Tend to your sails
Spirit will always provide the winds that will carry you to the shores that were made just for you, but if your sails are tattered or tightly furled, you may feel battered and beaten by the same winds intended to move you forward.
If your sails are torn and ragged, take them down for now. Let the heart take command over the unreasonable demands of the ego mind to keep pushing destructively ahead. Lower them, honoring your need for time to repair, restore and divinely prepare to raise them again when it’s time.
If your sails are bound up tight because of the deep-seated and tangled-rooted fears of the mind and inherited horror stories, unfurl them. Raise your sails, surrendering into trust that they will be filled by the winds that are directed by the force that orchestrates all of creation, including and especially your own.
You are learning to consciously sail the ocean of your own physically embodied soul in this lifetime. Offer yourself compassion and reassurance, and allow yourself to openly receive the support and resources that will miraculously appear as you live in full participation with the rhythm and flow with the Universe. It will soon feel as natural as your own breath.
Sail and shine on.