Ready for your truth?
The ego mind will do anything to get between you and your heart’s emotions and soul’s guidance. It will do anything to maintain its place of power.
Your thoughts are trained in on one objective: Keep you in line with what has been already experienced and managed, so that you will never stray outside the realm of what the mind knows to be true.
It places absolutely no priority on true joy, abundance, connection, love and harmony, although it uses illusions and empty promises to lure you, again and again, into its cold cell of security and certainty.
The ego mind separates you from your intense feelings and pain — the portal into expansion and creation and miracles — in the name of protection.
It throws at you countless imagined realities in which you will end up alone and unloved (which is an utter impossibility — it simply can’t happen) in order to confuse you and drown out the soul guidance you know to be truth.
All because it doesn’t like the truth.
Because the truth will make you free.
And it doesn’t want that.
The matrix of the old, 3D limited world is built on the combined power of billions of ego minds agreeing to block the truth. To defend against growth. To protect ourselves from the undeniable power of our own light. To protect us from love. Because love comes with pain.
And our ego minds prefer suffering to pain, for the sole reason that it is predictable and controllable.
Our minds prefer the timeworn, endlessly repeated, numbing stories of the past to the wild, unwritten adventure of the connected soul.
There is no wrong answer for you. Free will is a sacred gift. You have been given the luxury of choosing the path that is right for you. But make this choice in full knowing — complete understanding of your own mind and its singular focus. Know your truth, and then choose your next thought, your next word, your next step. You have an entire team of unseen forces with supernatural abilities at your back, handling all that is beyond you to defend against or foresee.
You will never be alone. You will never be unloved. It is impossible. And because of that truth, anything is possible for you.