Keys to loving you better

While you’re loving yourself better and buying yourself flowers a la Miley, ask yourself: How do I want love and connection with another person to feel? Where have I been giving my power, control and capacity for joy away in exchange for an illusion of certainty with another? Am I embodying the energy of a connected lover? Is there more I can learn about myself or places within me that I can nurture, grow and connect with more deeply without judgement?

Self love is NOT self denial or closing yourself off to love because of what is happening with another person on their own path. It’s one thing to be patient and understanding with someone in connection provided that vulnerable communication is present; it’s a totally different thing to put joy and love on hold or put parts of yourself on ice indefinitely because of lack of movement forward. Self love must honor the free will journeys of everyone involved and release ego attachment, trusting Spirit and soul and heart connection instead. Anything that requires you to deny, reject or abandon your inner child and heart love and connection is not unconditional love.

You are constantly and powerfully drawing in an exact match for your energy, so just sit back and watch in wonder as you and the one you are a vibrational match for effortlessly manifest each other with ease.


Ready for your truth?


Aquarius season 2023 for you