The Time You’ve Been Waiting For
There were lifetimes when you came in knowing your destiny would be to help change the world, but the world wasn’t ready. It wasn’t time.
This is the lifetime, and the point in this lifetime, that you could always feel coming. The time is here. The world is ready. You are ready.
Allow any ancient protective energy to be stripped away now, like a husk that has been formed to cover your divinely radical essence. Let yourself be shucked from that sheath so that your brilliant, alchemizing nature can be revealed, activated and divinely used.
Your role in this process is to listen and to gently, cooperatively loosen yourself from this shell as it is removed with all the celestial help you are receiving. Panic, worst-case thinking and clinging are natural, human responses to this process, so practice nurturing compassion towards yourself as you endure this transition. Ask for the support you need to help you through.
Your task is to breathe and focus as you honor the sacred divine timing involved in this process. You have waited lifetimes, and the moment is here. Excitement and fear feel similar to the mind and body and they are easily triggered and confused, but your heart and soul know the truth.
Stay in that knowing as much as possible.
When your mind grows too loud in its anxious anticipation, ask for divine help in rooting yourself in the moment and moving forward with your guidance.
You are divine royalty being reawakened into your destiny at the perfect moment. In reverent, grateful prayer, allow the crown to be placed on your head. It will feel timelessly familiar.
It is time.