Shadow Healing Season

Scorpio season is the spookiest season in more ways than one. Look your fears dead in the eye and keep walking toward the truth and the light. In order to see change in our reality, we have to first fully embody the new energies, and then allow our physical surroundings to change shape to reflect what we are embodying. It’s a sometimes (possibly especially right now) painful process, but you will always be supported by the truth. Stay loving to you and let go of attachment to anything inside or out that blocks or doesn’t reflect that love or allow for that truth. Remember not to take on others’ stress and suffering as your own; you can (and are being called to) connect compassionately without taking on their struggle. We are healing the imbalance of codependency and moving into a higher form of soul connection and partnership on the planet.


The Time You’ve Been Waiting For


Balance Restored