The Key to Every Door

It’s like a magic trick and is definitely a miracle to me every single time Spirit reveals the sun within me after the painful inner storms. These energies have pulled us all through the keyhole recently—which feels exactly how it sounds. But the exquisite goodness and abundant gifts on the other side of that door are always ALWAYS worth the painful squeeze. Of course, Spirit says, “Maybe next time, simply remember you have the key to every door that’s meant for you in your heart — look there first and you can just open the next door with it and flow through much more easily.” But the mind is a master at convincing us that someone else is holding that key, or that we left it somewhere in the past or will have to search for it in the future. It tells us we have to perform or achieve or change things or somehow earn that key. But it is always right there — right inside our own heart. And when we feel all that we are being asked to feel in alignment with our healing and expansion, that trusty key eventually comes floating up to the surface again … every time.


Making the Choice


Remembering the Way