Syncing with your seasons

A major milestone on the path of following your soul into healing is just ahead. You will notice this one, and it will feel deeply wonderful. You may already be experiencing glimpses of it in dreams, or even in waking life.

As you return home within your body and its connection to the earth while simultaneously embodying more of your higher self energies through spiritual ascension, you will be shedding dramatically any remaining attachment to the energy of lack.

This is happening as you become more calibrated to the divinely orchestrated rhythm of the seasons. Over the centuries, we have removed ourselves from this connecting rhythm, moving into the homeostatic predictability of the mind in a disconnected, fear-driven effort to escape pain.

Through the gift of free will, Spirit has allowed us to discover on our own that pain is only magnified and we are trapped in an echo chamber of suffering when we cut ourselves off from the wisdom, rhythm and flow of the seasons of life.

As you return to this flow, and in doing so help the collective return, you will no longer experience the empty, helpless sense of lack and yearning that you have had for anything outside your current experience. Instead you will remember that anything that is not within your experience at this moment will have its season.

It will return. Even if you have not seen it in this lifetime, it will arrive.

You will connect with the energy of it with joy and gratitude and fulfilled expectation, knowing that it will be a part of your reality at the perfect divine time.

In the same way you smile when you think of summer’s strawberries, endless afternoons and ocean air, your heart will smile when you think of the love, abundance and joy flowing to you in whatever form the season of your life calls for now and next.

When your mind notices something missing from your life, you’ll shift into your deeper heart assurance that the season for that is on its way, and for now you can smile and let yourself be filled with the warmth, excitement and gratitude of your connection with it and with Spirit, who is bringing it all in for you, in its divine right season, forgetting nothing.


Lunar eclipse care & compassion


Eclipse energy support practices