energy reading for the week
You have felt relief and peace as the sounds of the battles of the past have slowly faded — they are fully behind you now. Your challenge now is to allow the empty space that has been filled with struggle to be filled with something new. This week you are being guided to notice the ways your mind and its unconscious pathways attempt to lead you back to the battlefield. You may feel the familiar tug of old addictions in relationship dynamics, anxious thinking, overworking, self-neglect, etc. But you will find that simply noticing in the moment the ways your ego mind is reaching for comfort and offering it a loving thought to focus on instead will be enough. You have already embraced and are embodying the new higher-reality energies of your divine guidance and self — the rest is just daily practice to learn to walk and talk in this new awareness and form. You will have opportunities this week to leap into tussles — someone or something may tempt the old fighter/flighter/freezer in you. When you choose what feels most loving and peaceful to yourself in that moment you will be choosing the highest path, with new surprises waiting just a few steps ahead.