The two Within
Within me there lives a little girl.
She is filled with love and joy
Wide-eyed and trusting
Seeing only good
And seen by the world
Through loving eyes.
Magical new doors open to her
As she follows the miracles
Sparkling all around her
Like snow.
Within me there also lives an old woman.
She is stiff and brittle
Filled with sadness and pain.
She works too hard
Because that’s all she knows.
No one sees her
And she sees only difficulties
And more pain.
She can no longer remember
How to find the miracles
In the cold.
The little girl knows the way
And the old woman must learn to follow.
She moans and threatens with every step
And the little girl must learn to keep going.
To trust her own heart and wide eyes
To know that each step taken on this path
Protects and nurtures her
Heals and frees the old woman
And leads us both to love.
— India Leigh