message for the week

  • 21. Open The Floodgates (from the Oracle of the Mystic) 

    When I allow my cup to be filled

    Opening myself in trust and surrender

    To all the love and gifts the Divine wants to put into me

    Once I am still

    Once I am willing

    Once I give in to being the grateful vessel

    It all flows in

    Impossibly potent and pure

    And my cup quickly runs over

    With nourishing, replenishing divine waters

    Full of abundance in every form

    For me and all who are connected to me

    Flowing in a miraculous infinite current of love

    That nothing by my own effort was holding back.

    Any adjustment you make to your life —inside or out — that is kinder and more compassionate to YOU is self-care. Many times, the greatest act of self-care you can do is saying “no” to something someone else is asking you to do that you just don’t want to do. Eliminating the “shoulds” that are dominating your time and energy and choosing what’s right for you instead can be the most self-loving thing you can do.

    If you’ve pulled this card, you are being guided to:

    Look for any ways love flows in effortlessly to you without your own effort

    Practice self-care by making adjustments that are kinder and more compassionate to yourself

    Say “no” to things you don’t want to do and eliminate “shoulds” that dominate your time and energy

    Consistently choose what is right for you as an act of self-love