What is this soul connection?

Some of the questions I hear most often are: Is this my soul partner? Is this my twin flame? Is this a shadow twin? Is this a karmic soul mate? Why is this person in my life?

These are valid and important questions with complex, multi-layered answers regarding each and every precious, pivotal soul connection on your path. 

It’s a lot to expect of yourself to simultaneously experience the challenges and intensity of these complex soul connections and fully understand their ethereal purpose in the midst of absorbing their lessons and living out their purposes. 

You are in the process of soul recovery, heart healing, body balancing, and mind reimprinting, which is achieved in large part through your soul connections and their corresponding physical relationships. Go easy on yourself!

When you find yourself asking into the nature of a soul connection in its current form, reflect on these questions:

— How is the connection actually showing up physically in my reality right now? 

— What is the relationship as it is right now (NOT in the past or in future potential) teaching me about myself in this moment? 

— What does this relationship give me? What does it deny me?

— How might I be overly depending on another or denying myself through this connection based on limiting beliefs I have come to hold about myself? 

— What might shift if I moved into more acceptance of the truths this connection is showing me? 

Let me know what you discover and if I can support you in any way as you explore all that you’re being shown. 


Twin Flame Mythbusting


Their Free Will Is Not Your Failure