energy reading for the week

Virgo season has brought you new clarity, rearranging your priorities, connecting you with your own inner strength, and stripping everything down to just the essentials to offer you the gift of knowing exactly what they are. Now your task is to take all that you now know to be true about yourself — particularly about what has not been working for you — and take positive steps in a new direction. You are invited to claim unlimited joy, love and abundance in the specific ways they are intended for you and welcome it into your life in real, concrete forms by allowing yourself to do things in a new way. You will not be doing this through one big sweeping, drastic change, but rather through subtle, detailed changes to your daily, moment-to-moment habits on the mental, physical and emotional levels. You are divinely entitled to unfiltered joy, the pure sweetness of life and unconditional love. It’s time to talk the talk, walk the walk and live the life of someone with that divine birthright.


Finding Inner Balance


energy reading for the week