Crystal Clear

Without your even having to think about it, you naturally gravitate toward the clearest, cleanest air, water, sounds, sustenance and surroundings.

Moving toward the clearest, cleanest crystalline energy, however, takes consistent consciously chosen focus and intention.

It requires a daily (and sometimes many times daily) decision to connect and reconnect with Spirit within your core, and to allow your higher consciousness to steer you toward the energy that is most in flow and clear for you at this place on your path.

It takes choosing to override the parts of you that feel safer handing your power over to others or allowing them to hand theirs over to you. Committing to a higher, ever-expanding embodiment of all that you are destined for.

This is not perfection-striving or positivity-forcing, but rather an openness and willingness to explore the parts of you that are new to you. Only the energy/vibration/frequency that is compatible and a clear match for these newly born aspects of you will bring out and nourish them.

In every moment, you deserve and are designed to experience energy that is crystal clear, clean, sparkling and just right for you.

Seek it, speak it into your reality, and surrender to the ways your higher guidance is leading you into it. See how it is drawing in the connections and circumstances that feel like nothing you’ve ever had the opportunity to experience before.

Watch in awe as this energy takes shape as miraculous gifts and cocreations with Spirit.

And shine on.


Standing Up for You


Manifest you