choosing your reality

You recognize it when you see someone walking with earbuds in or focusing intently on their phone — they’re in another reality. They are opting out of the physical reality that’s going on around them and choosing to engage instead with the reality of their choosing. It’s that simple, and it’s powerful. Dimension-altering even. 

It’s easy for us to understand the concept of media or communication through a device shaping our reality, but when we start talking about choosing and determining our realities by setting our vibration and intention, we can get a bit lost. But that’s only because we’ve been conditioned to hand over power to those outside of ourselves and we have not been taught how to be the masters of our own mental focus. We have no idea the power we’re giving away because either we were never shown that power to begin with or we’ve forgotten it completely. 

Start your day (or restart the day when you read this) by aligning your energy with your highest possible reality for that day. This is as simple as saying, with intention, “Today I gratefully receive everything that is in vibrational alignment with my greatest good and highest purpose. Thank you Spirit/guides/higher self for orchestrating everything today in alignment with this, for bringing in all the experiences, interactions and opportunities that are in the highest possible vibration for me today, AND for helping me to see and hear only those things that serve my greatest good and highest awareness.” 

Setting your intention this way lets you in essence put on higher awareness goggles and earbuds, allowing you to perceive and interact with the world on a higher vibrational plane. We are all human, and this is a practice and a moment-to-moment choice, not an opt-out of the necessary challenges of life, but over time you will discover its power and rewards. When you open your mind and heart to Spirit and the team of guides that are always with you, the help and connection you can experience is limitless and absolutely transformative.


energy reading for the week


Why is quieting the mind important?