Integrating a higher template for love

As you have now become sharply aware through the reflections of your energies within your past and present relationships, outdated templates between the masculine and feminine (regardless of gender) are in the process being shattered, broken down and shaken away.

What is replacing them is a new, higher template of relationship built on unconditional love, sacred sexuality, energy balance and divine connection.

The following transitional tools of awareness are intended to help you as you shift from the previous model of linear, limited masculine-feminine relationship into the new infinite lemniscate flow between these energies, at the center-point of which is Spirit.

The feminine energy has in the past sought  primarily to be wanted/desired by the masculine. This has attracted and paired with a masculine energy that is prone to possessiveness, jealousy, guardedness, closedness, and ultimately self-destructive actions due to inevitably unsatisfied desires.

The masculine energy has in the past sought primarily to be needed/depended upon by the feminine. This has attracted and paired with a feminine energy that is prone to insecurity, control/manipulation, lack of healthy boundaries, and ultimately resentment and bitterness due to inevitably unfulfilled needs.

These dynamics are simultaneously both powerfully magnetizing and destructively repellent. While they have been a vital part of human evolution and expansion up to this point, their time is complete and must be closed out. Holding on to these expired ways of relating in relationship from this point forward will keep you attached to the old world and its cycles of suffering.

As you make the shift now from these outdated ways of relating between the masculine and feminine polarities within you and in relationship, notice any time you observe yourself speaking or acting from the place of seeking from a place of lack to be either desired or needed by another.

When you notice your thoughts, words and inner and outer dynamics leaning in these old directions, realign them with the intention to instead attract in the following qualities and gifts of connected partnership:

— A deep respect and admiration of self and the other as a divinely unique, always evolving and expanding, free and sovereign being

— A flow of equally matched, high vibrational energy, free of the need for power struggle or competition

— Trust and healthy boundaries within self that can be reflected and honored by the other

— Willingness to communicate openly and vulnerably, allowing each person to take full responsibility for their own emotions, thoughts and energy

— Primary focus on inner connection with Spirit and self, allowing the relationship to flow and grow through and around that center focus

While ego mind may not enjoy this redirection and practice, the rewards and confirmations (as well as the absence of old dynamics of suffering) will continually let you know you are on the right path. It’s time to claim the love you deserve and take the action required to receive it. It is divinely yours.

You are honored, led, loved and supported as the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine embodiment you are now remembering yourself to be.


Queen of cups


Energy reading for the week